
31 December, 2011

Post-Christmas letdown

Well not exactly a let-down (for me anyways, Hazel is another thing altogether!) just sort of a "well what now?" and a reluctance to start something new. I had a total disaster while we were away - I was making some more of the little felt gingerbread men for myself and got all the bits ready for finishing up at Taupo Bay, took stuffing along, scissors, embroidery floss and put them together in a plastic bag. Which looked like rubbish and someone threw it out without checking what was inside. I didn't get too upset when I realised what had happened when we got home and it was missing, but I had to go and be by myself for awhile in my room!

But good things happened too!  There was sun...
Hazel and Kate

...and sand castles...
Biggest sandcastle ever


Waterfront cafe and bar

...and walks on the beach.


And even though the weather crapped out towards the end we all had a lovely time

Afternoon squall


  1. So sorry to hear that someone threw away your project.  That would be horrible!  Looks like a nice trip otherwise though.  Best wishes for a wonderful 2012!

  2. Oh those poor poor ginger bread felts sitting in the bin, waiting to get stitched. I bet they've already started a new life somewhere in rubbish land - and they are having super fun!
    {once when my sister was moving house, her partner - at the time!!! - threw out everything that was in the freezer, rather than just putting it in eskys for moving. Would have been fine - except she was saving her placenta (from when my nephew was born) to plant somewhere special..... whoops!}

  3. Oh - wow. I've had such difficulty posting comments on your blog over the last while. I finally updated my firefox (while I had endless electricity + internet at my in-laws) and now it's working. Yah to being able to comment again........

  4. Oh, I'm so sorry!! I'm glad it didn't ruin your trip.
