
16 November, 2010

Still no sewing...

...and it's breaking my heart. I'm trying to get the marking out of the way, although I think I strained my back trying to carry a stack of final exam scripts. Seriously, those are some heavy suckers! Luckily I don't have to mark those, my lovely tutor did, but I need to play with marks and write things on them. Once they're out of the way I'm hoping to get in at least one more CFM post before it's over!

So to keep this place mildly ticking over I thought I'd play along with Pip's 20 Questions meme
  1. Sweet or Savoury?
  2. Dresses or Jeans?
  3. House or Apartment?
  4. Shop Online or Offline?
  5. DVDs or Downloads?
  6. Cocktails or Juice?
  7. Chocolate or Strawberry?
  8. Laptop or PC?
  9. Magazines or Newspapers?
  10. Facebook or Twitter?
  11. CDs or MP3s?
  12. Kids or Pets?
  13. Macaron or Cupcakes?
  14. Walk or Run?
  15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out?
  16. Market or Supermarket?
  17. Sourdough or Grainy?
  18. Heels or Flats?
  19. Late nights or Not?
  20. Coffee or Tea?
  1. Savoury! I used to be a sweet girl but now I'm all about the salt and the fats. 
  2. Jeans. But I wish it were dresses.
  3. House. Did the apartment thing and got really tired of having so many neighbours! Two gives you more than enough opportunity for noise that is not your own.
  4. DVDS. I'm an old-fashioned kind of gal. 
  5. Online. Which is such a copout because it just reflects my basic laziness. I prefer to shop for fabric in person though, online might have better selection but you can't finger the merchandise.
  6. On a daily basis that would be juice but I do like to break out occasionally with a Martini or something classy.
  7. Chocolate! Or even better, both! But only real strawberries, I have no love for anything 'strawberry flavoured', including icecream.
  8. PC - I like my laptop but it's murder on my posture and I love a big screen.
  9. Magazines I suppose, although newspapers are pretty good too.
  10. My Tweets go straight to my Facebook so they're pretty much one and the same. I like the catching up with friends part of Facebook and the brevity and publicity of Twitter, they're not really comparable in my mind.
  11. I like the idea of CDs as something solid in my hand but I mostly get my music from the iTunes store.
  12. Both! Why do I have to choose? Well I suppose if I did I'd keep Hazel :) I generally like other people's pets more than their kids though.
  13. Cupcakes because I've never had a macaron. But I will one day!
  14. Walk. My running days are over due to bad knees.
  15. Out. Although bed is good, but there tends to be Eggs Benedict on my plate when we go out and not in bed.
  16. If I could shop at a market every day I'd be happy. But I can't so I mostly go to the supermarket.
  17. Depends on the quality of the bread! If they were equally amazing I guess I'd go grain.
  18. Flats. No heels. No flats. Oh I don't know! I wear flats 90% of the time but get a disproportionate amount of enjoyment from the 10% heel time.
  19. My 18 year old self would cringe at this, but definitely not a late night person anymore! Well I am at home if I'm sewing, but if we're out I usually want to be home in bed by 11.
  20. Tea! Never learned to drink coffee, to Mat's eternal sadness.

    1 comment:

    1. I do hope you are getting better, and will be back sewing soon. I've been thinking about you (though keep not managing to comment or email.... eekk.. been busy being not busy around here. The heat is starting to slowly creep in during the days and we're feeling a bit lethargic!).

      Take care of yourself. Hope you have a good stack of books to look at and projects to plan.

      - E xx
