
17 November, 2010

The kindness of strangers

Well ok they're not strangers but they ARE kind!

Heleen from Ruby In The Dust gave me a piece of her gorgeous new fabric 'in the neighbourhood' which I adore, and it's on very fine linen which gives it a lovely feel.

In The Neighbourhood

I couldn't resist taking this photo of it all crumpled up, I love the way the fabric drapes

In The Neighbourhood

And last week I was lucky enough to win some fabric in Stitchbird's giveaway and it arrived yesterday, with a few little extras - what a sweetie!

Fabric from Stitchbird competition

I'm planning on appliquéing the little Cookie figure onto the back of my red quilt. The speech bubble says "freak", so every time I look at the back of my quilt I'll have a quiet little giggle.


  1. I love Heleen's new fabric-it's gorgeous! and lucky you winning that echino, def one of my faves!

  2. oh yay! I think that is such a lovely and timely bonus. enjoy!

  3. thanks for the mention, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing what you do with it :)

  4. Gorgeous fabrics!! x
