
10 February, 2010

The Hazelnuts February Giveaway

Entries for this are now closed, thanks everyone who entered!

Giveaway Badge, originally uploaded by Hazelnutgirl.

I asked you for ideas on what I should do for a giveaway to celebrate my 300th post/first bloggoversary/100 followers/still breathing achievement and there were such a diverse set of answers it actually gave me an idea. So...

In order to celebrate and thank you, oh readers, for your kind comments, encouragement and the fact that you exist, I would like to give you your heart's desire. That's right. If you win then you will tell me what you'd most like from the projects in this blog (try choosing 'projects' under the tag list), or even suggest a new one, and I'll say "yes!" and make it and send it to you.

Now I suppose I should put some boring qualifiers on that "yes!" Firstly, there may be a project or two that I won't want to replicate exactly (such as gifts for others), and other projects I can't replicate exactly but could be done in a different fabric (like the Oliver + S shirt). Secondly, I'll try to be as timely with completing it as I can, but given I'm about to start teaching I may have to beg your indulgence on the completion date.

How to enter? Just leave a comment below saying "hi!". Tell me about yourself, tell me a joke, about your cat, whatever. All you really need is your name and a way to contact you if you don't have your email in your profile (check because I thought I did and didn't!). Otherwise a blog link or an email will be fine. No extra entries for reposting or twittering or anything like that - I want a regular reader to win so improve your chances by keeping this a secret ;) All the entries will go into a bowl and I'll let Hazel choose the lucky winner.

Entries will close at noon on Wednesday 17th February NZ time. That's 6pm Tuesday 16th EST or 3pm PST for the Americans and Canadians and I'm afraid the rest of you will have to figure it out for yourselves :)


  1. Congratulations on making it this far! If I win I'm going to have a hard time picking something out! I'm just a blogger who aspires to be a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend... and sewer too. Have a great week!

  2. I'm wistfully looking at your pincushion. Congrats on reaching your blogging milestones. From Katherine who found you via your Twinkle posts.

  3. Hi! I recently found you through a link from Oliver & S and have been enjoying being inspired by all your wonderful projects.

  4. I'm going to do everything, even though I know you didn't mean it literally.... ;)


    I'm a hopeless crocheter & opshop fanatic.

    What's black & white & red all over?

    A sunburnt penguin! Ha!

    My cat's name is Morgan & he is a lazy slob.

    How's that? Hehe.

    I enjoy your blog a bunch, congrats on reaching some exciting milestones!


  5. Hi! Congrats on so many posts. My cats names are Penny and Ozzy, the dogs are Abby and Gus, but they act a lot like cats.

    I've loved reading your blog for the last couple of months.


  6. Hi Jacqui, I'd love to win something you've made! :)

    I've gone from having heaps of pets last year to only have two cats. Their names are Pickle and Henri.

    Dione (aka Mrs SewFunky)

  7. Hey! I have just found your blog through flickr and feel like I have struck gold!!! Can't wait to sit down with a cuppa tomorrow and have a good old mooch through (its bedtime here now!) Something about me?....I am a mama to two little monkeys and I like all things crafty. I have a little blog: which I use to keep in touch with peeps back home (we come from england but live in the US)

    Good to find you!


  8. What a generous giveaway!!! I'm Virginia a wanna-be crafter! I live through watching everyone else do craft. xo Love your blog.

  9. Oh Jacqui, you're too generous! I remember "meeting" you via SMS's fat quarter swap. I'm so glad I said I'd ship internationally because we've been bloggy friends ever since. I always enjoy reading your posts and getting your insights from the comments you leave me.

    OK, for something new about me since you read my blog and probably know more than enough... Quite often, when I look at my ever-growing jasmine plant in my backyard, I think of you because you said you can't have them in NZ.

    You know where to find me!

  10. Hi! I'm Kerry and I'm addicted to reading your blog :) Oh and I'm a fellow Albertan!
    I have a cat named Taki, but she is my husbands cat and I'm not much of a cat person, so instead I'll tell you about my dogs. Zoe is my big beautiful lazy mastiff, and Corky is my old grumpy but lovable shih tzu.

    If I win I might have a hard time choosing between all your fabulous projects but my little girl is in love with the olive and archie dolls and the monster doll you've made (and I am in love with that little spotted purse!)

  11. hope Hazel picks me! :) Just wanted to say awesome job on that shirt, very cool. and 300 posts and that many followers is really something to be proud of.

  12. Congrats on your milestone...I love reading Canadian blogs (especially from Canadians that live in an exotic local like NZ!) I think I'd have a really hard time choosing something because everything is beautiful. As for me, I have a cat named Bender, a dog named Trooper and 4 un-named laying hens.

  13. Congretulations on your 300 posts and such a generous giveaway. All the best :D

  14. hi, I am a new follower to your blog- I found you through Sew Funky. Love your tutorials :) I too have a hubby who thinks I'm just a little crazy,,,!

  15. I just read the link on your twitter sidebar about Bamboo, I am so naive. Wow, the blinkers are off now. Disappointed, I was really enjoying using bamboo batting for my quilts :-(

  16. Congrats again!! I live in florida and have 3 children, 2 cat, 2 dogs, 2 horses, 2 birds and a snake (most of the animals I adoptated) I still like the wheat pig, but something smaller would be easier to ship. I love all of your items. I never get bored reading your blogs... keep up the good work!

  17. Wow! That's a generous giveaway you've got going there! I'm fairly new to your blog and I'm so glad I discovered it. I enjoy reading about what you've been up to and I'm still tickled by "associating" with folks from around this big ol' world. I hail from Washington state here in America, by the way, where our motto is The Evergreen State. Just a bit of random trivia.

  18. Hello.
    I love the bunny. I love the bunny so much it is the first EVER thing I am making from a pattern. In fact, even though I am 38 (today!) I only started sewing in December, so it may take me some time.... by hand too.....

    I like your meanderings and I like the fact you like your digs. I am a (currently stay-at home with 2 kids under 3 15 months apart! DUH!) history teacher, when I'm not sewing badly and taking photos.

  19. I feel so greedy entering your contest, but you sew so well, and you're so awesome, I'm casting good manners aside and entering. hahaha

  20. I think your adventures are awesome and love reading your blog. What a fun contest, thank you!

  21. you know me. i may stalk your blog a little too much. prolly just live around the corner.. in the wild wild west.

    big fan!

    fingers crossed!

    (hazel you BETTER pull me out of that hat!!!)

  22. Alright, well, hmm, here's a joke. If you don't get it right away, say it out loud. Oh wait, you're from NZ. Okay, um, in the US, most of the potatoes come from the state of Idaho. You know this because it says so on the bag and all the potatoes have a sticker on them with the state listed. Neat factoid, eh? So here goes...

    4 potatoes are in a room. how do you know which one is the prostitute?
    It's wearing a sticker that says I-Da-Ho!

    You did not specify that it had to be a good joke. I'll go back under my rock now...

  23. Hi!
    I have no cats...

    Do you know why the chicken crossed the road?

    It wanted to see a man lay bricks.


  24. hi!
    i am from israel
    i love your blog and choosing from one of your project would be so hard! cues every thing you make is amazing!
    thanks for the giveaway!

  25. hi from canada. the only joke i can remember is about life savers and flavors and kids and its dirty so i wont :)

  26. ooohhh! HI!!!
    what a cool giveaway! Mmmm spotty tea cosy, NO! beautiful crown...No! bunny! oh how would anyone choose!

  27. I'm in a bit of a crafting slump at the moment. There is definitely more reading about craft than actual crafting going on here - that's why I need to win this giveaway. So that I can have some crafted goodness in my hot little hands whilst the craft drought is on.

    Pick me, pick me!!

  28. 300 posts - fantastic. Giveaways are always fun but really it is just as fun to say happy blogiversary and recognise all the work that represents for you. BTW, you've incited heat envy in my 4 year old daughter. I must go and create.

  29. Congratulations, Jacqui! The cool thing about this giveaway, is that I had to go check out all of your projects again - the not so cool part is that now I've got to choose in order to enter the giveaway which I can't, really. Too many great things out there! You are a creative girl, Jacqui!
    But since I usually don't win, I'll keep the pressure off... for now... I hope... =)
    Keeping my fingers crossed and wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  30. I'm telling no one. Except my mom, but that's just because she'll give whatever she wins to her grandbaby. As will I. I'm Susana, I am in Portugal, in love with said baby, and hoping to have a cat again soon, but impeded by marital allergies. Congratulations! And thanks!

  31. Congrats! I came by your blog for a fab tute--thank you!!-- but love your crafty goodness. Something about me? I'm almost 6ft tall and my husband is only 5ft 4. And my 14 y/o teenaged son is 6ft 1 1/2 with no end in sight! LOL

  32. Wow! What a generous offer. Good news - I will pick a project that is not the skirt if I win (: You always have the best projects. Can't wait to see who the lucky winner is (:

  33. HI, I've been following your blog for some time now and love it. I can't wait to "maybe" win something.

    camaren at chartermi dot net

  34. I would like to throw my name in but since I am one of your best friends and have already benefited from your crafty goodness I guess I will pull myself from the pool, unless of course I can stay :P

  35. Hi.
    What a great idea for a giveaway - though, of course; I wouldn't know what to choose!

    Random thing about me :: I had a parent / teacher meeting this morning with my son's prep teacher. I looked in his scrap book they've been working on since school started - and saw lovely lovely drawings of his family dancing, and all of us with our cat as well. So sweet to see aspects of your children that happen away from you.

    Yah for making it to 300 blog posts, and so many followers. Isn't it lovely to have such fun things to celebrate with our online friends!

  36. Hi! I'm not a regular reader, well at least I wasn't until I found your blog through flickr (fishy shirt). But I'm subscribing now! I've been enjoying catching up on some of your posts. Kinda like when you just find a great tv show that's already been around and there's tons of episodes to catch up on.

    Congrats on the outstanding blog!

  37. I wanted to enter - I'll need a little time to figure out what I'd want if I win! Thanks!!!
