
04 October, 2014

Nana chic

My friend Steph has just moved house and we're off to see the new place this afternoon. Since they've bought with her in-laws and are dealing with two house's worth of stuff, I thought maybe something edible might be a better gift than more...stuff! But an unadorned jar of lemon curd, while tasty, isn't particularly exciting given the occasion so I decided I needed to jazz it up a bit. I'd pinned these jar covers ( a couple months ago and figured one would do the trick. 

I ended up adapting it for a smaller jar and I added a frillier edge and did the flower separately. 

It's definitely OTT but that was kind of the point 😀


  1. Cute and colourful and cheerful and yum! I'm sure they loved it :)

  2. Gimme all the lemon curd 🍋 totally cute and nana chic
