
17 January, 2013

More interruptions

 Christmas and the sprained ankle derailed things a bit, but I made a comeback of sorts and got sucked into the Scrappy Tripalong over on Instagram. I got up to 16 blocks

Scrappy tripalong at 16 blocks

And then just over a week ago this little guy happened and crafting came to a . *

The newest member of our family - Ollie #puppy #dog #pug

Meet Ollie, who arrived a couple weeks earlier than we expected. He was a total surprise for Hazel, although not for Mat and me, as we've had been looking for a puppy and a good breeder for quite awhile. Luckily Hazel and Ollie get along very well, although she does have a tendency to treat him like a stuffed toy. The phrase "paws on the ground please Hazel" is heard several times a day, as she awkwardly totes him around from place to place, ignoring the fact he has legs and a will of his own. She'll learn though!

It looks all peachy-keen but adding to the family is hard going. Ollie is tired, Hazel is tired and overwhelmed and was in tears tonight because she loves Ollie but wants her old life back. I'm tired and a bit overwhelmed and I love Ollie but I want my ol

What I wasn't expecting was what hard work a puppy is, especially for a cat person like me, how tired I'd be, how much pee I'd have to mop up, and how house-bound I'd be. He's super-cute, tiny and really quite lovely, but damn. I simply have to trust all the dog owners who assure me that "it will get better, I promise!"

Luckily he settled into a routine fairly quickly (pugs are such laid back little creatures, or at least he is) and I've been able to get a bit of sewing on the Scrappy Tripalong done the last few nights. In fact I'm off right now to try and get the last 6 blocks sewed up into tubes and maybe cut into strips. At least I think they're the last, I'm assuming the quilt will be single bed-sized at 30 blocks because I think I'm kind of over cutting 16x2.5" strips. Unfortunately 6 of the blocks I made are slightly rectangular and I'd have to unpick them to get them right, so I have to hope I can use them down one side where it won't matter. I must have had the needle set just slightly wrong for one session.

*I can't remember which book that little joke came from, but I've loved it for years. For those people who call a '.' a period, if you call it a full stop, the sentence above makes sense.


  1. Your vintage sheets look great in the scrappy project. And the puppy ... Cute. Hazel won't want to leave him when she has to go back to school!

  2. I live your scrappy trippy quilt! Ad the puppy!!! Puppies are freeking hard work... But o so cute!! We had lots of pugs growing up - too cute :)

  3. Love your quilt blocks and puppy looks adorable!

  4. I would also be to busy toting him around! he's so adorable!! The first photo he looks like a stuffed toy! As for the quilt I love the subtle pattern coming through...enjoy both :)

  5. Oh, yes...puppies are an incredible amount of work. Are you also crate training? It gives a dog a 'safe space' to rest & relax (in my household you hear 'out of the dogs' crate now!), & saves potential accidents/shredded shoes, etc. when you're gone for a period of hours (or only need 4 more hours to finish a project ;) Lovely quilt top!

  6. Oh, you are braver than I. I'm a very definitely a cat person and dogs need not apply! Ollie is awfully cute though, and all the more so because I get to enjoy your photos (and your stories) without the peeing or the barking.

    The Tripalong is lovely, too, btw.

  7. Your quilt is looking fabulous - very bright and summery.
