
25 May, 2012

Real sewing

If you sew, do you find yourself doing a lot of this?


I do. It's about my least favourite sewing job, but it's actually quite necessary at times, actually saves money, and it gets me in good with Mat. Clearly these jeans aren't his, they're Hazel's. Have you ever tried to hem a pair of size 7 super-skinny jeans? Challenging.


  1. Yep, mending, grrr! Wait till you do it for your sister and she wants the original cuff and stitching left on the hem....

  2. Elizabeth GeraghtyMay 26, 2012 at 12:51 AM

    Have you ever tried a Euro hem? super easy!!

  3. I am mediocre at sewing, although I try to do basic mending and hemming when needed. I have to replace a zipper in a pair of my husband's favorite pants. I'm dreading it!!! I have only replaced a zipper once in my life and it was many years ago! I know how you feel.

  4. Yes I do! I try to avoid it like the plague.

  5. Ooo, skating on thin ice with demands like that! I don't understand why people want that anyways, the stitching always looks original after a few washes anyways.

  6. Ok, that's pretty advanced stuff - I always think I should do that too but then bottle it!

  7. I guess it's the price we pay to sew our own stuff without any interference?
