
23 April, 2012

The new AMQG site

I'm so excited about the new Auckland Modern Quilt Guild site that went live this morning - Megan, Karyn, Robyn and I have worked super hard on it for the last month or so. Megan's brother did most of the really technical stuff and the cherry on the cake is a super new header by Robin Purllant.

At the moment we have a mini-quilt challenge going and the entries are up and ready to be voted on. You get to choose three of your favourites! The quilts are destined for the Neo-natal intensive care unit here in Auckland so not only did we get to challenge ourselves with a new-to-us block but our quilts will be going to brighten up a pretty tough situation for lots of parents.

So please pop over and have a look, leave a comment, and have a vote!


  1. Super jealous that about your guild, and that it started when I left the country :(

  2. It looks realy great well done :) can't wait to see how it all progresses - I will have to be abit more active on the site now that I can't make most of the meetings.

  3. I read this on my phone, so didn't comment. Yah - this is so good. I didn't know all this was happening when you were talking about your making. What a great resource to have started - re-started, I suppose. Guilds are such good things, and modern guilds - well they are just perfectly super!
