
13 March, 2012


Has anyone else come across the Pinerly pins sprouting across Pinterest? I had one person (who I no longer follow for this reason) repin about 30 images to her account, all promoting the site. I thought I'd check it out to see if it's some sort of virus but no, it's a site that says it will help you maximise your Pinterest presence, drive traffic to your blog, find more people to follow etc. Sort of like an analytics for Pinterest I guess. Sounded kind of good so I started what I thought was the sign-up process, only to discover, after I had given them my email address, that basically you have to refer friends to get an invitation. If you post an URL they give you and 5 people click through you get bumped up the invite queue. 10 people clicking through will get you 'bonus features'. Facebook and Twitter are also pushed.

I've had a look around online to find out more but there seems to be very little feedback from anyone who actually has access. Just people wondering, obvious promotional material on tech sites, and lots of spammy pins on Pinterest. I have a feeling I've been scammed - anyone else have thoughts on this? Since they already have my email (can't believe I just plugged it in like that, what a noob!) I'll put my link here and be your guinea pig in this matter if you care to click on it - it takes you to the home page btw. I'll let you know what happens so you don't have to give up your info for naught!


  1. I had completely forgotten about this until i saw your post.

    Found the same thing. Put my email address in (i was thinking it was something run by Pinterest) saw the "get friends" part, then X'd out.
    I'm gonna go check me email now!

  2. My daughter, cousin, & quite a few friends are into Pinterest bigtime!  As Facebook uses words, Pinterest uses pictures.  There is some fuss over copyright infringement, given the amount of images pinned.  However, no legal challenge as of yet, & more commercial craft-sites are making their webpages pin-friendly.  For myself, I haven't figured out how to pin images from the sites I really enjoy.

  3. Yes I've heard about this copyright thing with Pinterest, their T&C are pretty scary. You'd like to think that people won't get in trouble for pinning but I guess relying on that is a bit naive! Certainly can't think Pinterest would be stupid enough to use pins in their marketing that might get them in trouble.
    For pinning I use the 'pinmarklet' they have on their site here: There is a video explaining how to put it on to your browser toolbar. When I'm on a site and I see something I like I just click that button and it pops up a small window with a choice of images to pin. It's great!

  4. Let me know if you ever get in! I think the fact they don't have any explanation about how the process works on the landing page is pretty dodgy, and having to supply your email before going any further should have been a massive red flag to me as well. I'm just hoping that there are easier ways of getting my email and access to Facebook/Twitter (which I didn't do thank goodness) for spamming purposes than setting up a big website and it's all legit, if misguided.

  5. Hi Hazlenuts! Rick here from the Pinerly team. I can assure you there is no need to be suspicious, we are working extremely hard to get Pinerly out there as soon as possible. We did not expect so much demand for it so early on and e-mail is the only way we would be able to keep everyone in the loop.

    Here is a link to our blog posts if you would like to follow along with us on the journey:

    I do apologize for the delay to get the product out, but we are just ironing out some things before we get the ball in motion.

    Thanks so much! Feel free to reach out to us if you have any other questions: team@pinerly,com or

  6. Thanks for replying Rick, but I have to wonder why this information isn't on the landing page - sites that ask for your email without explaining what's going to happen make people suspicious, and then when the site asks you, as part of the sign up, to promote a site you have no personal experience with then it makes them doubly so. Why would I spam my friends on Facebook to speed up my acceptance when I actually have no idea if it's worth it? I understand you're trying to market your site, but I found the whole signup process made me feel distinctly uncomfortable on a number of levels and from looking around the internet it appears I'm not alone.

  7. I have nothing to do with Pinerly. I am just a tech guy. I have participated in beta testing for applications and games. To be honest, this is the way most betas work. You sign up with your information and it becomes a waiting game. Sometimes you wait a day sometimes you wait a month or longer. There are some you'll never get an invite. This doesn't automatically make the product or service a fraud. If giivng up your primary e-mail address makes you feel uncomfortable use a "throw-away". I use an e-mail address when I sign up on webpages, forums, or offers in case they have a hazardous incoming spam service that isn't my primary. I check it occasionally if I find out the product is deserving most reputable service will always allow you to change it later. In the case of Pinerly, I have over 10 signs ups I have just been redirected to their blog and thanks via e-mail. I have not labeled them a fraud. For a product that is so fresh, I'd give it more time. Development with any product simply takes time. If anything, the Pinerly team is building up a great buzz for when they do roll the service out to new users. After all it is just an e-mail address not like they took money and ran. :)

  8. Yes I understand Betas, having been involved in a few. This is the first time, however, that I've been required to promote a site, unseen, in order to progress up the list. And no, they didn't take the money and run, but they took my email - which is actually worth something if they choose to sell it. Not that I really think they will, and it was foolish of me to give it out like that, but would a simple explanation of the process on the front page actually kill them? I would have thought that giving people a choice as to whether they continue on would be a bit of a no-brainer, instead of explaining what they've gotten themselves into after the fact and making some of them feel like they've been tricked in some way. I object to being asked to spread the word about Pinerly like that - I value my friends and followers and I don't consider them as part of Pinerly's marketing strategy. And are they building up a great buzz? All I can find is a lot of promotional material, people wondering what it is, and nothing from anyone who is actually ON it.

  9. mmm, i wondered too - i signed up about 10 days ago, and then because there was no information i decided it was all too hard! so guess like you, i will wait and see if i get 'accepted', because i also didn't bother promoting to friends etc...! so far i haven't had anything come back...
