
06 March, 2012

Heading for Sydney

Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House By 8lettersuk
We've been booked to head over to Sydney for 10 days just after Easter for awhile now, but it's getting close! So excited! Mat and I lived there for 5 years while he did his PhD and I did contract archaeology and temped in-between jobs. As an aside, those typing lessons mum made me do back in High School paid off BIG TIME during the first few years there - and my knowledge of Macs thanks to dad. And you know what, she even told me at the time that it would stand me in good stead. At 17 I didn't believe her but she was spot on. Not about the importance of quadratic equations though, sorry mum.

Anyways! It's been 12 years since we lived there and while I've been back a few times since to visit friends and old stomping grounds (hellooo Glebe!) I haven't been as a fully-fledged crafty person. I know I want to visit the Kinokuniya book shop and the various markets are always fun, but other than that does anyone have recommendations? Great fabric shops? Quirky places? Good cafes? I know I'll have to squeeze this stuff in in-between visits to aquariums and wildlife places and catching up with friends and heading up to the Blue Mountains, but I'm determined dammit. There WILL be fabric and notions viewed.


  1. What about Surry Hills (Cooper St, down near Elizabeth St) for a couple of fabric shops - and then walking about and hitting a cafe or cool bar... and the amazing button shop in Newtown.

  2. Tessuti, The Fabric Store and Calico & Ivy would be my first choices if I was heading to Sydney. Maybe Cloth too.

  3. I would second Calico & Ivy there new store looks so beautiful :)

  4. Thanks for the suggestions! I had to laugh when I searched for The Fabric Store and discovered that its a branch of my fave NZ fabric shop Global Fabrics. I'd forgotten they'd expanded! Wonder if they have very different stuff...

  5. Definitely visit Leura whilst in the Blue Mountains. You will love it.

  6. I haven't been to any of those shops suggested - yet! But I do like visiting Material Obsession, owned by one of the ladies that wrote the book. 
    There is also a bloggy get together around the dates you will be here. 
