
27 February, 2012

Oh yeah it's Monday!

And I did say I'd choose a name on Monday didn't I! So names duly chosen by the random generator - my old method of using my little bit of randomness to choose doesn't work anymore because she's at school. And do you see what I did here, I decreased the pool by one for each run, thus increasing your chances. And let's face it, with only 21 entries they were pretty good to start with! I guess not many people are feeling the love for the DS Quilts fabrics, which of course is good news for those of you that do.

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And because at Hazelnuts you're not just a number you're a name, that would be Shelly, Barb and Cheryl. My draw for previous commenters came up with Lyndy - which seems right somehow given that she's sent me many lovely fabrics over the last couple years!

ETA: Oh and look, this is my 600th post!


  1. Lovely seeing you this morning and no your blog doesn't require word verification xxx

  2. Ooooooo.....was it me...Cheryl...or the other Cheryl :-/? Either way...congrats on your 600th post!!!

  3. Oh no! I didn't notice there were two of you - I'm so sorry, it was the other one :( I should have been more clear. Bugger...

  4. Congratulations to the winners...& to you on your 600th pot :)

  5. Oh, goody!  You found the little Friend thingy on my site!  Thanks!

  6. Congratulations on your 600th post! I have just started reading your blog and really enjoy it. I have also just started my own blog and have 2 posts! 600 seems outrageous!
