
08 February, 2012

A finished quilt

No, that's not the fun thing I promised for yesterday - it had to take a raincheck for a couple more days.

I do think that finishing a quilt is fun though, partly because it means I can get on to something else! I see from the photo from when the top was finished that it's been sitting around since JUNE last year. Yeesh. Anyways, it's done-diddly-done!

Batch of Brownies

The Spotlight basting spray washed out fairly well, although I think there might be a bit left - it's hard to tell to be honest. It certainly feels less stiff! So a reasonable substitute for the mythical 505 spray for those of us downunder. The back was put together from three sections of the linen, hence the two long lines between the two smaller bits.

Batch of Brownies - back

I love the back.  The front...I don't know. I'm not a bright quilt kind of girl, so while I love the linen, and the design (Batch of Brownies by Elizabeth Hartman) and I'm pleased with myself and all that I'm not in love with it. It sort of reminds me of this little little ditty by Tom Brown:

I do not love thee, Dr Fell,
The reason why I cannot tell;
But this I know, and know full well,
I do not love thee, Dr Fell.

Everyone seems horrified that I don't love it, but it must happen right? Tell me your story!

Part of the reason the fun stuff has taken a raincheck is that this little guy has made an appearance in our lives -


He was dumped at a park and has been attacked by a dog. Hazel and her friend Jessica found him and captured him and made us grownups look after him. So here we are with a shared bunny named Sniff. He's been checked over by the vet and at the moment he's at Janet's in a borrowed hutch while we decide if we want to be bunny mummies or not. We don't have a decent back yard for him to live in sadly, so not sure if it'll be us looking after him longterm or not. He sure is a sweetie though!


  1. gorgeous! both the bunny and the quilt :)

  2. Wow! I love this brownie design... too cute... your colour combo is fabulous as well!

  3. The quilt looks great - I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes some months to finish! I really like straight line quilting - the pattern you have followed shows up so well on the back. Was the linen difficult to work with? The bunny is so sweet, I bet your daughter won't want to give him up.

  4. Thank you! The linen wasn't great to work with, stretched all over the place. I've heard it suggested that spraying the linen with starch makes it more manageable. And for quilting the only thing that saved my sanity was spray basting!
    --- Sent from my iPhone ---

  5. Thank you - it's a great pattern, I'd happily make it again.

    --- Sent from my iPhone ---

  6. Thanks! I can't really take credit for Sniff though :)

    --- Sent from my iPhone ---

  7. The quilt is lovely! I'm like you - not really a bright colour girl when it comes to soft furnishings - but this would look stunning in an otherwise 'neutral' room. The bunny is a cutie :) Do let us know what happens to him!

  8. Yeah, I'm not a bright color person, either, but I know that if I ever make something that turns out too bright for my taste I can always put it in Caitlyn's room!  I've certainly made stuff that looked a lot better in my head than in reality, although all the examples I can think of at the moment are clothing and I think mostly those are a matter of fit and not so much of the fabric.

    Sniff is so cute!  Caitlyn will be wildly jealous if you keep him.  Our neighbor kept rabbits in his backyard for a while and they were so much fun to visit.  Then someone complained that the rabbits made the yard "look like a farm" and the bunnies had to go.  So sad!  The yard doesn't look any better now, *and* it's missing the cute critters who would run up to the fence to say hi when you walked by.

  9. I have a hutch for you! you want to be a bunny mummy, you do. ;-)

  10. I love the quilt! 

  11. Well done to Hazel & Jessica for rescuing Sniff and to you for being a bunny mummy ;)   I've been enjoying reading all your posts but rather quiet of late as I couldn't get a comment box to load - constantly kicked back to a blank page throughout January.  Looks as if that gremlin is fixed now.

  12. Love the quilt.  And as for Sniff he looks almost exactly like two bunnies we used to have Honey and Milo (now in Bunny heaven).  We did enjoy having bunnies in our family but they were free range during the day and only went into the hutch at night.  They were very partial to all the lovely new flower buds and loved sitting along side me when I was gardeining.  They also used to sit on my feet when I was gardening.  

  13. Wow! A bunny and a quilt, what a day.  I like the juxtaposition of the linen and the bright colors.  It's a huge accomplishment anyway and maybe in time you will come to love it.

  14. Oooh!  Well, I like it!  Congrats on the bunny.  You are a braver soul than I.  (My kids are trying to talk me in to a tarantula - not happening!  I told them that Maggers will be our first and last pet.)

  15. Yes I think it would look good in that kind of setting - like in Sweden or somewhere they do good neutrals. Sniff is now living at Hazel's friend Jessica's so while a bit sad for us it's good for him and everyone is happy about that. And you know, when I typed in your email the name it had associated was Aldara etc. It seems so long ago doesn't it!

  16. This was actually going to be for Hazel because she said she liked it when I finished the top, but apparently her tastes have changed in the last 9 months and she no longer seems keen. That'll teach me to delay! This quilt most definitely turned out brighter than I'd imagined. I had some idea of nice neutral with moderate pops of colour - perhaps if I'd gone for a white background it would have been more balanced.
    We didn't end up with Sniff on a permanent basis, but have unlimited visiting rights and will be seeing him tomorrow after school. All care and no responsibility!

  17. That would be Janet at the moment :)

  18. Hazel is pretty determined when it comes to animals, I was surprised she actually managed to carry it over to us. Good training to be a vet I suppose. I'm sorry Disqus is giving you trouble, I know other people have issues with it too. But of course they're different people than had issues with commenting when I used the Blogger system! You can always email me I guess?

  19. What gorgeous names for bunnies! Your comment made me want to keep Sniff quite badly, but in the end our yard just isn't ideal for having a bunny being free-range, without major modifications and lots of supervision. The vet said she couldn't tell what kind of bunny he was as he was quite large and not lop-eared on a permanent basis. I thought he was just a basic bunny myself :)

  20. Thank you, and it is quite true - time does have a way of making you fond of things! And the strong sun here will fade it as well, so it won't always be so bright.

  21. You obviously have excellent taste :) Well in the end the bunny isn't with us so I'm not being particularly brave on that front, talk to me if we end up with a puppy in a few weeks though... I would totally draw the line at a tarantula too! I can handle most insects but spiders - no. Mat had to biff a largish specimen from the kitchen this morning for me, I felt like such a wuss!

  22. A white background may have worked.  I think the neutral actually works well and you'd have gotten more of the effect you maybe were aiming for with a wider sashing...

    That was the great thing about the neighbor's rabbits.  We could visit anytime (and hold the babies!) but skip over the responsibility of keeping them fed.  I did take the bunnies assorted greens from the garden (weeds, carrot tops, fading green bean plants) but acquiring the regular boxes of un-sale-able lettuces was totally Not My Job.  I'd say you've scored well with the Sniff arrangements.

    BTW, I mentioned Hazel's tooth-wiggling requests to Caitlyn and, of course, now she wants to put HER fingers in MY mouth to check my teeth.  Should have expected that!

  23. It seems like a lifetime ago!  Good times, though :)
