
13 January, 2012

A sheep following the flock

Last week Angry Chicken had a review of the Sunki tunic and leggings pattern and I thought it was kind of appealing so ordered a copy for myself - which arrived today - which just made me realise how super-fast it was coming!

Anyways, I don't have much to say about the pattern yet except I won't be making the top in ikat since I don't actually like it much (am I allowed to admit that seeing as it's so in at the moment?), but I'm about to sit down with a cup of tea and read the instructions and expect to enjoy myself very much in the way I often enjoy reading recipe books because the dish always turns out perfectly in my imagination!

Are you a sheep when it comes to this kind of thing? Do you read a recommendation by a popular blogger and rush out and buy the item? Do you ever feel like maybe the review is positive because the person is reluctant to be rude about a product they've agreed to trial? The whole Go! Baby issue springs to mind with relentless positive reviews and only one balanced one. I freely admit I'm a sheep in the worst way, but I like to think I pick my reviewers (yes I know I'm totally delusional but let me retain some vestiges of dignity). Of course another way of thinking about it is that the rise of social networking in shopping is a hot topic and that people like to have personal recommendations before they buy or visit. I felt a little hoist by my own petard when I pulled this pattern out of mailbox this morning because yesterday an Instagram big-wig featured one of my photos in his 'best of the year' round up and I got about 15 new followers and a heap of likes and it was all very thrilling - until it stopped dead and my feed went back to normal. It was pretty much like when my mug cosy was featured on How About Orange. So I was being all cynical last night and mocking the whole process on Instagram to a degree and then in the mailbox was physical proof that I'm no better or worse than the next sheep.


I'll let you know how I go with the pattern (for real).

(the famous photo - raindrops on the washing line)


  1. www.bubbachic.typepad.comJanuary 13, 2012 at 5:37 PM

    Gosh yeah! I am like that, usually with quilt patterns that I impulse buy and they then sit in my to-do pile forever....I look forward to seeing how it turns out! ;o)

  2. I add them to my faves or pinterest & wait a while, you should see my amazon wishlist! I am more like a baa baa black sheep ;)

  3. I'll admit that there's definitely influence to give a positive review because you're thankful for getting a free product. However, I've gotten at least 3 products that I did NOT review because the review would not have been positive. Gosh, if I go on my blog and say "I didn't like this book" people are likely to bash me for "attacking" the author. Seriously. It's all so tricky.

  4. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has that pile of recommendations sitting there not being used!
