
12 July, 2011

Vintage sheet giveaway

Vintage sheets 2

I've been thinking a lot about vintage sheets lately, especially since I did a swap with Jenna over at Jenna Designs (I forgot to take photos of what I sent but she took some when they arrived!) and her parcel hasn't shown up yet - the Postie just went past 5 minutes ago without leaving a package AGAIN - curse you Postie! Anyways, while I haunt the mailbox I thought I could probably send some vintage love my reader's way so couple of you can haunt your mailboxes too! It's such fun.

So up for grabs are two bundles of 5 FQ each, leave a comment below if you're interested - international entries welcome of course. One comment per person and I suggest you don't Tweet, blog or Facebook about it to increase your chances ;) You can tell me something interesting in your comment, maybe what you're going to do with them - or you can just say hi. Either way, make sure I have some way of contacting you - if I have to spend too much time hunting you down I'll just draw another name. I'll use a random number generator to choose two lucky peeps on Friday afternoon, NZ time (which would be Thursday night sometime for those North Americans among us). If you are having problems commenting with Disqus then shoot me an email and I'll add you to the list.

Vintage Sheets 1


  1. me likey! reminds me of sheets I had as a kid :-) I'd make softies out of them!


  2. What an awesome idea - and I could probably cut the ones I have down and RAK onwards to others .. .. .. *feels a Vintage Sheet FQ swap-giveaway in bloggy land is a good idea*

  3. Count me in, what amazing designs. I think I'd make my daughter a patchwork skirt from them.

  4. ooh, love, love, love!  I think I could have a lot of fun making some cute skirts or dresses for my little one year old daughter.  Or maybe for myself as well!  Thanks so much!

  5. Oh yay! I just scored an adorable full sized flat vintage sheet myself this weekend! I've been wondering what to do with it since the hubby won't let me make it into a duvet cover. I'm thinking a basic kimono style summer robe.

  6. I could see some really cool retro Southern California aprons with these fabrics worked in.  Ooh hope I win!

  7. Hi!

    That purple fabric is simply gorgeous. I probably wouldn't be able to do anything with it, but it would be the perfect gift for someone I know ;-)

    -Janice T.

  8. Love love love - we have just bought our first house here in Nelson - and I am making cushions out of vintage fabrics. These are gorgeous!

  9. I'd use them to make clothes for rag dolls.  Lovely!

  10. Ooh, they are lovely! Thanks for the nice giveaway, I'd love to win!
    Right now I'm on a deadline for an important paper and the sewing machine is temporarily retired, so I'd propably set that cute stack of fabric on the desk as a motivation. :-)

  11. I always get jealous when I see those great fantastic vintage fabrics around! I've been on the hunt for a year now but it seems to be that in Holland we don't have so much left... I have found some pieces though, wich I treasure and do'n't dare to cut into! So I would love to win some!

  12. My girls are still small enough that a couple of fat quarters makes a great skirt or pillowcase dress for them, so that would be cute... or maybe a bag for meeeeee :)

  13. I love that you don't want it tweeted or facebooked. Yay! I think I'd make some bags for the playroom to keep toys nice and tidy, or maybe a nightie for my little girl.

  14. Oh I would love to be entered!  I adore vintage sheets for sewing.  I just sewed a patch on a favorite pair of jeans from a vintage sheet and am sewing my daughter a skirt from a vintage pillowcase :)  

  15. These fabrics remind me to a duvet cover that I bought in Southampton, U.K. 15 years ago, just before I gave birth to my eldest son. If I win these beautiful fabrics, I will definitely making a quilt for me... Thank you Jacqui for your generosity :)

  16. you're twisting my rubber arm here; of course I'd love some (more) fabric :) and I love it that you don't want this tweeted/liked on FB/yaddayadda!!

  17. Woo Hoo! Looks like I might be able to comment on your blog after all. Don't know how or why, but I'm not complaining!!!
    Please count me in for your great giveaway.

  18. Oh my goodness!  Those are fabu!  Pick me!  Pick me!!! :o)

  19. Wow your sheets are amazing! I'm on a real vintage sheet quilt making kick at the moment. They would definitely be quilted by me :)

  20. Yes please count me in!

  21. are you sure you haven't raided my Ma and Pa's linen cupboard - next time I'm
    over there I'm going to look for holes in their sheets :) awesomely generous

  22. Oh God! I've been thinking about these gorgeous vintage sheets that I saw on Etsy, but these are prettier. I'd love to make clutches with them.

    irisy.riveraortiz (@) gmail dot com

  23. I somehow feel obliged to put something clever here, as I usually don't comment. However, I have nothing, other than I would LOVE those.  So, if'n you feel inclined, my kids would love to reap the rewards of your generosity.

  24. Hi
    What a wonderful giveaway. I would love to win some of these fabrics. I make childrens toys and bags out of vintage fabrics you can contact me at:

  25. My Grandma had sheets like that!  I love the pink and brown one on the left...

  26. Hi! Beautiful vintage sheets. I've just embarked on my first dress and skirt for my daughters and, if it turns out right, I intend to make them a lot more, so those beautiful prints would be a good motivation. By the way, what a relief to see that just for once you don't have to tweet or going into facebook, thanks.

  27. how lovely the colours! torn between 2 lovely dresses/tops for 2 grandchildren (5 & 17 months) & a 1/2 apron for myself....

  28. I think I'd be making quite a few cushions, with a matching solid for the backs. Very pretty! Thanks for the chance. :)
    PS the acorn looks great and you prompted me fix my missing "q"  - all better now!

  29. oh my,lovely lovely!! i would make bags and quilts...

  30. Those are beautiful - I would love to make them part of my daughter's quilt that I need to get to work on pronto!  Why can't I ever find such beauties on my own?  :)

  31. I'm in... please.  I also have vintage sheet goodness to share... some sort of swap would be great to boost it up the variety.  Cushion covers are great, but I'm thinking more pillowcase style dresses / tops for summer.

  32. Lovely prints! I am gonna make a beautiful bunting with these :))))  Thanks for the chance
