
06 July, 2011


I added a favicon to my blog - the little image that shows up to the left of my URL in the toolbar. What do you think? Does it actually look like a hazelnut at that size? I'm wondering if I need to get rid of the shadow...

ETA: I got rid of the shadow - but I don't know if it makes it better or not! Or maybe it doesn't really matter, I just like that it's there.


  1. I think it does look like one, clearly.  But then I looked only after you mentioned it.  You should post something like, "Look at my favicon and guess what it is."  I like it.  :)

  2. I think it definitely does look like one, but of course it helps that you mentioned it first! I agree with you about the shadow, though. Because the favicon is so small, it might help to get rid of it. It is super cute!

  3. Very cute favicon! It's a bit of a time waster but loads of fun to see anything but that orange B up there. You might have to try it without the shadow, I did need the hint!
    I did a "q" a while ago and was quite proud of it but it's disappeared now! One day I'll have to find the time to set it up again!

  4. Oh yeah - it's cute!

  5. Rachel at Stitched in Color HaJuly 14, 2011 at 11:53 AM

    Very cool!  I always think that's such a nice touch.
