
06 April, 2011

Ruffle skirt part one

Jersey knit bias, originally uploaded by Hazelnutgirl.

When you make a ruffle skirt, the first thing you do is cut lots and lots of bias strips. Lots. Then you measure and figure out, cut a few more, then sort through them and realise you need to cut 4 more strips. Then you wander off to have a cup of tea and straighten out your back, and decide to think about those four strips when you don't feel like a hunched-over old lady.


  1. Oh, I can't wait to see it. What colour is it to be? Enjoy your cup of tea...

  2. It's grey, so the photo looked pretty much the same in colour :)

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  3. lol Oh I so understand that! If only there was a easier way, to save our precious backs :)

  4. This is going to be tre cool. I love Hazel's one. can't wait to see it.

  5. Looking forward to the end result!
