
03 March, 2011

The menu...

Front teeth, originally uploaded by Hazelnutgirl.

...does not include corn on the cob for foreseeable future.


  1. what a gorgeous photo! daniel's got two very loose teeth too, hopefully they will come out easily and quietly because I'm a wuss when it comes to teeth...

  2. Yes we have that problem too. No apples in the lunchbox either. Since November. The bottom teeth came out shortly after the top ones so anything that involves biting is a no no at the mo!

  3. He he my daughter has just got her first two front teeth, we have the reverse situation with corn!!

  4. I love love love the photo!!! (But can we pretend it's someone other than 2 are only 3 minutes younger than her and I feel nowhere near ready to be stockpiling for the tooth mouse!)...Has she discovered yet she can now drink through a straw with her jaw clamped shut? I remember that being the height of coolness!

  5. I've had to pull out two of the four teeth so far and it was extremely traumatic - for me!

  6. Hazel kind of chews things on the side, so if she has a carrot her whole lower face seems to end up orange.

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  7. Oh I remember that stage, they're so cute! Except they were do sharp and she'd sometimes bite when breastfeeding...good times (in retrospect!)

    --- Sent from my iPhone ---

  8. Ha ha, she hadn't thought of that but when I asked her she went right off to try it :)

  9. Or apples or pears or raw carrots or ANYTHING. Han's front teeth are veeeeeeery slowly growing back and man alive, I can't wait.
    She looks super cute with the gappiness though ;)

  10. nice one Hazel! Toby has lost three lower so far. he was so completely pleased with himself when he popped up out of bed a few nights ago, after about an hour, having pulled out his tooth. the smile was indescribable, and bloody...
