
19 March, 2011


Hazel's been having fun with the rediscovered Hazel stamp. I would never have thought of doing this with them though, just goes to show how limited the adult brain can be at times!


I love how, despite her name being right there, she still needs to identify it as her with the arrow! I also love watching her depictions of bodies evolve - starting out as heads with arms and legs attached, through rudimentary bodies with stick arms and legs to stick arms and legs with round feet and long fingers. In the last couple days the arms and legs have gained some solidity (and some attitude, going from the arms in that top figure!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the way kids brains work. So very differently from adult brains. Her bodies ae fantasic. And let's hope our kids always keep that true sense of self and continue tobroadcast it with such adorableness (and not get ego about it!!).

    I wish I had some of your Jaffa brownies right now.... They do sound good.

