
06 March, 2011

I've got to go, my monkey needs me!

Hands up everyone who thinks Captain Mack is hot. And yes, I'm really going to miss him now that TV6 is gone, sort of like I missed Steve when he left Blues Clues... Us mums have to cling to something to retain our sanity while watching kid's tv don't we?

Mabel and Brian monkey

Anyways, all of that is a digression from the REAL monkey topic here, decent photos of Mabel and Brian monkey. The pattern is from the Softies book, and is for a girl monkey named Mabel. But I really felt that there had to be a boy monkey too, so he's called Brian.

Monkey butts

Unlike the Maisie doll from the same book, I loved making these little guys a lot and am really pleased with the results. Hopefully they bring some comfort to a child in Christchurch.

Monkey blush

I thought I'd like to add pink cheeks to Mabel (Mat said Brian didn't need that kind of carry-on) but had no idea how to do it short of pfaffing around with fabric paints which seemed a recipe for disaster. After a bit of casting about I came across the brilliant suggestion of using...blush. So that's what I did - got out the Avon mineral blush and blushed that monkey with a cotton bud. I don't know how long it will last, certainly not past the first wash, but I think it's super-cute and perhaps I'll investigate more permanent blushes for next time.


  1. I LOVE Captain Mack and the other one (can't remember the name) the toys from the bookcase. I'm seriously grieving the loss of TV6 *sob sob sob*

  2. Got to love the monkeys!

  3. So cute!!

    I seem to recall mum using a red colouring pencil, then smudging it a bit with a (her :P) wet finger to make rosy cheeks on knitted toys.

  4. These little guys are so cute and are going to bring some big beautiful smiles on the faces of their new owners. Well done. x

  5. They are fantastic!!!

  6. Oh yes, Captain Mack is a handsome chap, but I have to say Joe on Blue's Clues does it for me more. We too are mourning the loss of Kidzone on 6, but Four seems to be filling the gap nicely with lots of good things to record.

  7. I'll remain true to Steve ;)

    I wish we had some way of recording programs, it would pretty much remove any issues as we could just tape what's left of kid's programs on Channel 7 in the am. And Channel 4, which doesn't have much on by the time Hazel gets back from school. Unfortunately she's discovered Zach and somebody's Sweet Life on Deck which is appalling and of course she thinks it's amazingly wonderful. Curse you commercial television!

  8. Oh I hope so, seems the least I can do from afar.

  9. That's a good idea, and sounds distinctly less toxic than painting! I think I need to do some experimenting at anyrate.

  10. Yup, you do, it's like a law or something :)

  11. Oh, ummm..., The Toyshelf, or Timothy's Toys or something? I liked Little Mutt. I found Captain Mack on You Tube, and you can get DVDs, but that seems a bit extreme given I like the show more than Hazel and only because of the twinkle in his eye and his manly Sky Captain poses.

  12. These are ridiculously adorable!! I wish I had even half of your ability with a needle - I'd have a whole troop of the little fellas :)

  13. These guys are way too cute! But you shouldn't be afraid of trying out a little fabric paint - use a scrap of felt first, if you want to practice. The key to using fabric paint to blush is to use a dry brush in the paint and just dip the very tips in, then stipple the paint onto the felt. Start in the middle then stipple outwards so that by the time you reach the outer parts of the cheeks there's not so much paint on so it blends nicely. Only use a tiny bit of paint and a dry brush and you'll be right! :)

