
03 October, 2010

A is for Apple and P is for Pear

Why did I post about the apple when clearly I wasn't finished with it?  The way the post finished just screams "will not be able to leave it alone".  So I made another leaf for it, and then a pear, and then because that wasn't enough, I put some shiny shiny beads on both of them.

Apple and pear


Beads are very important on functional items like pincushions.

Pear detail

Apple detail

Hazel wants a pear now. She won't wear the clothes I make but she wants a freaking pear. Actually I think she just wants stuff, full stop. (bitter much?)

And I promise I won't touch these again before I send them out. Honestly and promisedly.


  1. Love them, and I see you are using my favourite fabirc in the pear. I'm slightly obsessed with that fabric at the moment :)

  2. I think you are absolutely right. That apple just wouldn't be that apple if it wasn't for the beads. And that pear.. well.. you know. They are both really cute!

  3. I love the leaves, especially the one on the pear. I'm with Hazel - those are adorable.

  4. ah ha! I'm making apples + pears too (well, maybe just apples, we'll see how the next few days goes with the making of everything else as well as the pincushions).
    I love yours so much. the apple fabric is just perfect. and those embroidered leaves are just beautiful.
    Yah - lucky swap partner......

  5. Thanks! Bead are very important, perhaps nature needs to get with that look
    on the apples too, could improve their marketability hugely!

  6. I got the idea from those great apples you posted on the swap post, can't
    wait to see how yours turn out! I'm sure we could all do apples and none of
    them would be the same. I ended up buying the pattern for those Tiny World
    pincushions you had some photos of a few days ago - why I need another
    pattern I don't know, especially for a pincushion I'd never be able to stick
    a pin in I don't know, but I couldn't resist!
