
16 September, 2010

They Might Be Giants for kids

Ok, hands up who remembers They Might Be Giants?  Me! Me! And I've discovered they have a whole lot of very cool songs for kids over on You Tube - Hazel's class is often watching them in the mornings before the bell rings.  This is my favourite, and Hazel's, because she wants to be one, but they also have a cool one about Mesopotamians. Though that's a bit above Hazel's head at the moment!  Now if only they'd do one for Archaeologists...  Actually I must admit I do sometimes sing the chorus and put in archaeologist instead.


  1. I so loved this band. I have to say that I thought this song was pretty cool too.

  2. "the sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace..." love that one! And yes, the kid songs are outrageously fun. Watch for concerts--we saw them at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago and it was a completely kid-friendly, adult-crazy show!!

  3. Totally rad! We used to always sing "Istanbul not Constantinople" at my old, old job to annoy a co-worker.

  4. Love TMBG:) Speaking of anthropologically awesome songs (like Mesopotamians), I hope you have seen The Real Pliocene Hominin ? (PS ive been following your site for a while now: anthro + crafting = me who wants to be in NZ! And that totoro bag? You rock!:)

  5. Oooh you HAVE to check out all of their kids albums! It's not all on YouTube. They have ABCs, 123s, and Science. Great, great stuff! They do family concerts now too, so watch for them to come to your area, they are a blast!

  6. I've loved John since their first album. And John, of course. Didn't mean to leave you out there, John!

  7. Auckland City Libraries have the whole cd with the dvd can request to have it collected at your nearest branch library

  8. Ack - they are awesome!!! How did I not know? (coming from someone who still regularly breaks out in Istanbul is Constantinople...!) So the kids and I just spent an hour checking out all the TMBG videos on youtube...there's definitely a new fanclub here. Thanks for the links! (In the past hour Imogen has officially changed her career aspirations from *magic flying unicorn* to paleontologist - apparently the combination of dinosaur bones and skateboarding is just too cool to pass up! Now if only a band would think *lawyer* was sexy and make a rock song about that, to ease D's mind! lol)

  9. just love this! looking forward to looking at the rest on youtube tomorrow! thank you!

  10. I'll definitely check it out - thanks for the tip! They probably won't ever
    come to NZ but CDs will do fine (and I do love the videos).

  11. That Real Pliocene Hominin is brilliant! In fact if I've got time I'm
    showing it in class on Wednesday :) That'll show the kids that I'm down and
    hip. And it's nice and (mostly) up-to-date too, bonus. Thanks for the
    Totoro bag compliment, I'm still pretty pleased with it myself!

  12. I suppose we might get lucky down here, sometimes the most unlikely bands
    come for a holiday and throw in a few concerts to pay the way :)

  13. I'll need to wait for the Supercity for it ;) I'll check Waitakere
    though, hadn't thought of libraries!

  14. Oh good, I'm not the only one who didn't know about them! :) Perhaps Imogen
    could aspire to be a magic flying unicorn palaeontologist, it seems a shame
    to loose the unicorn bit. Hazel spends a fair amount of time prancing around
    being a unicorn, sometimes flying, sometimes not. I'm going to miss it when
    she gets too grown up!

  15. You're welcome, glad to spread the happiness around :)
