
09 September, 2010


Look where my mug cosy ended up!

I love How About Orange, it's one of my favourite blogs, so when I went to read it this morning and I saw the mug cosy up top there I was more than a little surprised. In a pleasant way, like when your friends throw you a surprise birthday party. Not that mine ever did (ahem) but I imagine that's what it's like. ;)  The other projects look pretty neat too, I think I'll go help boost their stats as well. Thanks Jessica!  The mug cosy tutorial's here if you haven't seen it.


  1. That is totally awesome! Go you and your orange mug cosy! :o)

  2. Yay, congrats Jacqui!! I love that blog and was stoked to see you featured. I still need to make that cozy for my water glass at work....

  3. I usually use the linen one I made first but I think I'd better get the felt
    one out instead as it's more famous.

  4. ooh yes, I love that site too and would feel as proud as punch to be featured on it; go you!
