
02 July, 2010

Friday diversions

This morning I have been virtuous and read various thoughtful and insightful papers on the beginnings of symbolic thought in humans and considered how we can see this behaviour in the archaeological record so that in three weeks or so I can lecture about it most impressively.

This afternoon has been a bit less cerebral - I monitored an auction for some vintage sheets I had a bid in on, whilst watching a clip from Glastonbury of Orbital feat. Matt Smith doing the Dr. Who theme.

How's that for a very modern juxtaposition? And then to round it off I watched a cat video - because what're teh internets for if not for watching funny cat videos?  Especially on a Friday afternoon.

Dr. Who and the cat via Hard News and the sheets are a result of a sudden panic that I've missed the vintage sheet boat. Which I know I have if I'm paying that much for what I could have had for a few bucks in an opshop a year or so ago!


  1. I think when people start to sell vintage sheets on trademe instead of just hiffing them in a salvation army depot or cutting up for rags the boat has sailed.

  2. haha I see you have a bid on some lovely sheets on TM that I too have had my eye on. Didn't want to pay what they were asking though LOL
