
21 June, 2010

Jump Rope Dress

Can I admit that this dress has taken nigh-on a month to finish up? It was part of the 'Kid's Clothes Week Challenge' but didn't quite get done in that week. All it needed were buttons but to do that I had to remember to get thread for the buttonholes and get some matching buttons. It's the little things that slow me up!

Jump Rope Dress

This is the Jump Rope Dress from Oliver + S. I've had the fabric languishing in my stash for over a year, meaning to make something for Hazel and I thought it would really suit the dress. In the end though, I'm not so sure. It looks nice but the fabric is a very high-quality cotton and it's actually quite stiff. Hazel complained about it the first time she tried it on and I'm not sure that I blame her to be honest. The fact that she complained means this may be as close to it as she ever gets

Jump rope dress and Hazel

Oh well, I've learned my lesson when it comes to clothes she's iffy about and I'm not asking her to wear it, or making a big deal out of it. It's a bit too big which means that she's got plenty of time to come around to it! I made Dress A with the long sleeves from Dress B, so if she gets interested by the time summer rolls around I can always turn the sleeves into the short version of A. The dress went together well, although the belt loops were crazy long and the markings on the pattern for where to put them were just plain bizarre - I must check the errata and see if there was some issue. Or I may have just completely lost the plot in regards to the pattern/instructions. I got them right the second time around with alterations. The collar ended up being too stiff with the addition of interfacing, if I made it from this fabric again (which I wouldn't) I wouldn't put in the interfacing, the collar needs to be fairly soft to fold correctly.


  1. It's gorgeous Jacqui! If it's a bit stiff, you could try sticking it in the wash with your towels and sheets everytime you wash them. It'll soon soften up.

  2. Oh, I know that feeling! Making something that won't get worn, that is! Such a cute dress, I wanted this one for ages, it probably won't fit my little one. Maybe try again with a softer fabric? It will go together so much quicker the 2nd time. If you want to sell the pattern.....

  3. I love the dress.
    I was just going to suggest the same as cotton kiwi.

  4. Oh that is hilarious. My daughter is pretty particular about the comfy factor in the clothes she wears. I have loads of dresses that she never got around to wearing Ugh. She definitely prefers softer clothes so I've been sewing with a lot of knits lately. The jump rope dress is adorable though, I may wait a year or two and give it a go...

  5. I want this dress in adult size.

  6. That's a good idea. I sort of had it in mind that because it was such a
    dense weave that it was always going to be like that, but being cotton it
    might soften up a bit.

  7. I'll definitely try it again in a softer cotton, it's too cute not to try
    again! So I'm not at the point of giving up and selling it yet, but if I do
    I'll let you know :)

  8. I'm going to give that a go and hope that it's not such good quality that it
    won't soften! The fabric would make a fabulous crisp shirt for an adult
    though :)
