
31 May, 2010

A winner and a recommendation

Hazel did the requisite this afternoon and chose Margaret from near Melbourne, who said "I would love to win a copy of this book, it looks awesome. I gave birth to my third (and last) daughter last Sat, so am in total clucky mode.  I have made her a few things but if i can find the time would love to make more."  So it sounds like the book will be put to good use.


A couple of months ago I came across a recommendation for an online book seller The Book Depository, located in the UK.  The thing that really caught my eye was the "free shipping worldwide" because as anyone who has ever tried to buy from Amazon from outside the US knows, shipping is often more than the book you want!  I had a look at their prices compared to our own local online bookseller Fishpond and I was stunned.  The first book I had a look at was Martha Stewart's latest Encyclopedia of Sewing and Fabric Crafts which I'd seen reviewed about the place a lot at the time and found it for just under $50 NZ.  On Fishpond it's $75.99.  The same price differences applied to pretty much every single book I checked out and I was floored.  Really it seemed too good to be true, but the recommendation had come from a reputable blogger (whose name I've since forgotten!) so I didn't dismiss it right away.  But really I still wonder why the price difference? I feel a bit guilty ordering from the UK when I feel I should be supporting the local act, but with that kind of price difference it's hard to.  I wonder if there's something I don't know, something I should be taking into account that would sway things the other way?  Or are the local book sellers just robbing us blind?  All morality aside,  Mat and Hazel gave me a pre-loaded Visa card for my birthday so I went for it:

I'm sure I'll be 'reviewing' these books in the near future!  The books arrived really promptly, though all separately packaged which seems a bit odd. Still, no complaints on my part so I can thoroughly recommend The Book Depository!

and for Hazel:

The Moomintroll books are a bit old for her ("when's the next picture?" she says) but she actually seems to quite enjoy them despite that.  I just couldn't resist getting them and hope she enjoys them as much as I did/do!  When I was in Sweden in 2007 I spotted a very cute little Moomin apron in a shop window and had to have it.  She was just turned two at the time, and looking at this photo I just want to kiss those little cherub lips!  She was happy about the apron and the Klippan felted wool bag but a bit unsure about her mummy being home after 3 weeks!

Moomin apron


  1. I've heard great things about the Book Depository as well. Given that Fishpond sometimes ship from Singapore, I wouldn't feel too bad about your books coming from the UK! Your new books look gorgeous. I must look into getting some Moomin books for my girls.

  2. Here in Aust, I think that the import taxes on books are pretty steep. Which is why we seem to pay so much more than in the States, or even - it seems - UK. So, it's not the book shops, it's the government (of course, as usual). You would think by now they'd notice the trend for overseas purchasing and reduce such taxes so that we can support our local sellers. {I always feel bad when I go into my local book store to look at a book that I know I'm going to buy online for half the price, but there's just no way I can pay the full Aussie price.}
    Don't feel guilty - we just have to give back to our local sellers / makers another way.
    I'd love a review of the Martha book - I've been wondering if it's too general to be of much use, is it aimed more at beginners, or does it have heaps of excellent little bits of info. And what's the styling like - assuming good?

  3. my friend just bought 'handmade beginnings' from book depository and said it was cheaper too. that martha stewart book looks like it would be a great reference book.

  4. I love The Book Depository, it is so much cheaper and while I do love to support local sellers the budget doesn't always like it. It's the same with fabric though, I get most of mine overseas because it is under 1/2 the price of getting it here which is just insane.

    Lovely books too, can't wait for your reviews.

  5. Nice tupperware bowl she picked the winner from :) I have the exact same one.
    Fab picture of her as usual that kid is so photogenic!! I can't wait to see her in person again!!
    Love the look of the felting book.

  6. Ooooh, I agree Jacquie -- give us the word on Martha. I have one of her Christmas crafting books, and some ideas are lovely (the little cardstock villages that are everywhere are included in this book), but often they're SO EXTRAVAGANT. Why, WHY would I want to pay $75 just for doilies to make myself a snowflake-esque wreath? I CRAFT to SAVE. Hopefully though, the craft book will be better and not so Mahhhhhhhhhthaaaaaaaaaaaa.

  7. Oh Jacqui that is dangerous giving out the link to the Book Depository. I could spend some serious money!

  8. Import duties, yeah I hadn't thought of that. I suppose I generally think of
    those as applying where there's a domestic industry to protect, but I can't
    see that people buying NZ books are going to suddenly start getting them
    from Amazon if the duties were lifted. They'd have to be pretty steep duties
    to explain away the whole of the price difference. Makeup is the same
    thing, like how do they explain a tube of mascara costing the equivalent of
    $13 NZ in the US and over $30 here in NZ? I don't really think they can to
    be honest, especially considering that it all comes from China anyways! On
    the other hand, we can get ultra-fine merino fabric and they can't :)

  9. That bowl doesn't get used for much else...neither does the spatula or the
    cookie cutters (which are badly designed to say the least!).

    You'd love the felting book actually, it has a big section on felting
    knitted stuff which of course I can't use!


  10. I totally know what you mean - she (or her staff!) do tend to include things
    that cost a bomb or are hard to source which sort of defeats the purpose.
    There are some lovely projects in it but if you get the magazines regularly
    I'd say don't bother. But I'll do a quick review in a few days when I've
    had a chance to have a look through it. I'm just such a sucker for her
    styling and use of colour which is painful because otherwise her whole ethos
    bugs the hell out of me!
