
12 December, 2009

My Place and Yours: Just Five Minute's Peace

Ha! I wish :) The theme this week at Meet Me At Mike's My Place & Yours is Five Minute's Peace, chosen by Pilgrim:

where do you retreat to for that sanity-regaining break? i am interested in what or where in your home your sanctuary is...

My place of peace is at the sewing machine at the moment, and in quieter times as well! It's a place I'm willing to insist on my time at, willing to put with complaining and where I can ignore mess and other pressing concerns. It stills my mind and I (usually) feel a sense of accomplishment while I'm at it.


At the moment I'm finishing up a pair of Sewing Green slippers for my brother-in-law's Christmas present, made out of wool from a thrifted jacket and some wool jersey fabric a friend gave me. I think they're going to look splendid, although the wool isn't so nice to sew as it's a bit prickly. Still, I love sewing wool like this, it's so...compliant!


  1. I lose track of time when I sit down to my machine (mostly because I tend to make a lot of mistakes and a 10 minute job ends up spilling into hours) those green slippers SOUND splendid!

  2. It's like stepping away from the real world when we start creating isn't it? Nice Post.

  3. how time flies when you're engrossed in doing something you love..i totally get it!

  4. I just got that book from the library and thought the slippers would be great for next winter - would love to know how they turned out. The sewing machines a great place to forget about other things - although having something of an addictive personality EVERYTHING else gets forgotten for me!! x

  5. It's always so satisfying to sew with compliant fabric isn't it?? In a past life I used to be a wardrobe mistress so sitting in front of a sewing machine was pretty much a 24/7 kind of thing....Now I long to have the time to sit sewing at the machine!

  6. wow, slippers!! something i would never have thought to make. i hope your borther in law likes them. i'm just so impressed you can sew without having a brain meltdown haha... i'm not so good with the sewing.

    thanks for playing along with my theme this week!

  7. oh my! make sure you post a pic of the slippers!

  8. Oh yes, the whirring of the machine, the time zooms by and next thing a gorgeous creation ... great spot, great post and please show the slippers ;)
