
09 December, 2009

Christmas frustration

Christmas WIP, originally uploaded by Ansis68.

I knew that this would happen, but it's still driving me nuts. How can I blog about my marvellous creations when the recipients might read about it? It's frustrating, so I'm going to pass on that frustration by taking mysterious (or not so mysterious) photos and hopefully that will restrain me from blurting it all out and ruining someone's surprise. Some of you may recognise what this is, if you do just smile knowingly and enjoy your superiority in silence. :)


  1. That looks very cute.

    Where did you get the fabric from? I need something like that to make Little Miss a cat :)

  2. The linen came from the Fabric Barn in Henderson, on Pioneer St. They’ve been supposedly closing down for almost a year now and have all their fabric on sale which is great, although I’m never sure they’re going to be there the next time I go! I have heaps of it, if you just need a bit I’m happy to give it to you. The spotty fabric is a fat quarter from Spotlight :) Global Fabrics has fabulous linen though, and I know they’re still there.

  3. hehe that looks familiar! can't wait to see a full photo!

  4. Eee! It was my wee doggy :D Thank you SO much :*
