
05 November, 2009

Yeah, It's a Win

Ground Ivy, originally uploaded by Ansis68.

I finished the embroidery and I'm now pretty happy with it! Although the blue has washed out a little bit in the photo, it really makes it. I also put in the other two stems in the pattern as I figured a larger design would make it stand out more. The pattern is Ground Ivy from Gerda Bengtsson's book Danish Floral Charted Designs. The next step is to turn it into a wee bag for my sister-in-law.

The link takes you to the book on Google Books, which despite it seeming too good to be true, has several of the charts up for all to use! She's my embroidery hero(ine) so I must go looking to see if there are more. I'd also love the excuse to buy more books!


  1. That is absolutely stunning. Lucky, lucky SIL

  2. really really lovely stitching. I adore the colours in it.
