
14 November, 2009

My Place and Yours: Through The Front Door

This week's theme for My Place and Yours over at Meet Me At Mike's is 'Through The Front Door', set by Femme de Montmartre. The brief is "What is it you see when you enter your home? And how do you feel? Whatever happens when you walk through your front door, we want to know about it!"

The first thing I should mention is that we rarely use our front door, everyone comes and goes through the back door, so it's always a bit novel to come in my own front door! I do love it though, it sums up what attracted us to the house in the first place - except better because we've done it up since then.

Front door 1

Our house was built in the late '40s most likely, and was moved onto the section in the late '80s - you can see the line in the floor boards where it was cut in half. The wood is all native rimu, essentially untouched except for being stained/varnished slightly darker, which we removed. I think in decorating terms the skirting boards and doorways would benefit from being painted white as it's very dark altogether, but I can't face it, especially considering it's escaped that fate for all these years! We stripped the floor boards and polyurethaned them all ourselves, I highly, highly recommend NEVER doing that, get a professional in to do it!

The other view you get when you come in the door is our sideboard of knicknacks. I think they pretty much sum up our interests in total - except for books. And Hazel. And the cat maybe. But otherwise it's all there! I've tagged it over at Flickr if anyone's interested in a rundown of what all that crap is.

Front door 2


  1. love the deco can never have too many knick knacks :)))

  2. Wow. That's really amazing. Look at that line on the floor! It really WAS cut in half. Cool! Loving the good china in your cupboard! x

  3. That line in the floor must be a great talking point! How cool is that, "my house was cut in half!" Looks very nice I must say. Interesting is probably a better word than nice! Thanks for the peek!

  4. I love your floorboards, and the sideboard - gorgeous! x

  5. I didn't know your house had been moved — is that unusual for your area? I've never known a house to be moved myself.

    I love the details in the odds and ends picture (although I can't stand odds and ends in my house since all it says to me is "dust me."). Did Paul give you that bullet? Don't know why I don't remember.

  6. Uh, yeah. Leave the floors. OMG. They're beautiful, even with the seam.

    I love the color yellow you guys chose for the house, too, and it goes wonderfully with the floor.

  7. that delicious deco sideboard is adorable! what a great looking place, made me want to linger longer - i feel honoured to have walked through your front door!!!
