
28 November, 2009

My Place and Yours: That's nyoice, that's different, that's unewesyewl!

Ha, I love the title for this week's Meet Me At Mike's "My Place or Yours", chosen by Toni from Little Suitcase. I loved Kath and Kim! So, what do I have in the house that's particularly noice, different or unewesyewl? This is the brief:
Does your home have a quirky feature or several? Something you throw a strategically placed coat over if people are visiting or avoid telling the real estate agent about? You might be very proud of your house flaw.
Well aside from the funny layout of our little house, the thing most people comment on (and this was also true in the 'Front Door' one from a couple weeks ago) is the fact that we have a line running down the hallway where the house was cut in half to move on to our section.

Hallway 1

We did have a rug covering it for a long time, but I quite like it now. What I don't like so much is the big square cut into it on the top right there, we think that was for putting the jacks in to raise it. Why they had to replace one board with pine I don't know. I don't notice it much anymore, but it still bugs me when I do!

The line looks a bit like an appendectomy scar

Hallway 2

I don't know what we'll do come time to sell the house - to cover or not? Luckily that's not on the cards right now so decision's averted until then :)


  1. it's funny how we learn to live with life's little imperfections..btw looks like you cat's giving it the once over..priceless shot!

  2. it could be handy in times of family warfare. ie don't cross that line.

  3. Oh WOW you've ticked all the boxes here ... love the puss pondering which side of the line is best ;)

  4. Wow, it is kind of like a surgical scar isn't it? Your house has been through a lot but has survived. It's a great story

  5. It's probably one of those things you eventually don't even see. A good talking point though.

  6. Everything I was going to say has been already! lol. But yes, that is a great shot of the cat pondering............?
