
27 November, 2009

Greetings gentle readers

I just noticed that I've hit 70 followers and what seems to me a very large number of subscribers (148) over on Google Reader (not sure how many with other readers) so I thought I should say something. Is this crass? Should I pretend that I airily continue on, oblivious to how many people read my blog? That I never check stats? Well that'd be a big fat lie frankly, because I do, I do! Actually I've given up caring about how many views the blog gets, but I'm totally addicted to knowing where you all come from and what pages refer you. I get a thrill looking at the world map with little dots on it. I knew when Hallowe'en was coming because the hits on the superhero(ine) mask went through the roof as all the crafty mamas got the costumes together. I look forward to seeing if anyone is going to make the bunny for Christmas :) But really I just wanted to say hi to everyone and that I love that there are people out there who take the time to read this blog and think it's interesting enough to add to their readers and so-on. Flattering isn't quite the word for it! And thanks also to the commenters, especially the regular ones (you know who you are). I love checking my email and seeing a blog comment, you guys make my day! Well part of my day anyways. ;)

My bloggoversary is coming up in a few days and I've realised I've stuffed up. I had this plan that I'd have a wee giveaway for the readers to celebrate this momentous occasion but of course I signed up for the Sew Mama Sew giveaway and there's no way I can manage two right before the silly season. So I'm going to delay it until after Christmas instead, because while it's fun to have a giveaway with gazillions of people, I'd like to have a smaller one for the regulars. Maybe I'll call it the "Hello Summer" giveaway or something.


  1. Congratulations! I agree it's awesome to have people reading. Just quietly I'd love to know how you know people have subscribed???

  2. Congratulations on both the impressive number of readers and the upcoming bloggoversary. I love reading this blog and I'm sorry for not commenting more frequently - so hi from Jess in the UK and I'll try harder to be a more regular commentor :-)

  3. I love your blog and i read all that you write, it is fresh and happening and now.

  4. I stumbled onto your blog a few months ago while searching for a mask tutorial and I've been addicted ever since! I love your creative style! Congrats on all those readers!

  5. great job. I always love checking my stats too. Kind of addicting.

  6. can;t wait and congrats! i love reading your blog :-)

  7. Eeee commenters! Hi everyone :) Deb - there are various more official ways of finding out who reads your blog, Feedburner is one. I've set up an account over there but chickened out putting it into action because I wasn't sure what would happen and I'd hate to stuff up everyone because I didn't know what I was doing! Which I don't. The way I do it is just to subscribe to Hazelnuts myself in Google Reader (and I did it at Bloglines too) and both of those will give you subscriber numbers - in Reader you click on 'show details' when their blog is highlighted. Of course there are lots of other readers, and I'm not sure how it works with the blogs you 'follow' in Blogger as I've found I have to subscribe to them as well as follow to get them to show in Reader. Whether that boosts both subscribers AND followers by one I don't know. Feedburner would be able to deal with all that from what I gather.

  8. hope you get this late post :) love your blog too, and what fun to see who reads it, hey.
