
18 October, 2009

What's on my shelf

I'm woefully late with this - I've been debating taking the time to do it all weekend, but the essays are looming large. Still am, so here I am blogging instead! Yay procrastination! You know I'll be regretting this stolen hour when it's 2am and I'm totting up marks.

This little meme called 'My Place & Yours'is from Pip over at Meet Me At Mike's. This week's theme is what's on the shelf.

I've spent the whole weekend sitting at my desk marking essays - when I'm not being pestered by a small spotty child that is. On the windowsill is a small stone and I've been watching the light change across it as I struggle with misused semi-colons and free-form grammar. Its roundness contrasts so perfectly with the straight white lines of the windowsill.

Round stone


  1. Such a beautiful pic!!

  2. Oh. That is a simple and lovely photo. Thanks for joining in, Ms Jacqui! Hope the spots disappear soon and things return to itch free, essay free niceness! x

  3. absolutely beautiful thanks for being you!

  4. That is so nice. And unexpected. Thank you for sharing.

  5. So so cool! love it. Good luck with the spots xxx

  6. That is frame worthy!!! I think I might need that photo!

  7. Thanks for the comments people, it's a lovely little stone to look at and I'm just pleased I managed to capture it in a way that actually looks like how I see it. It fell out of the bowl I have funny things like that in and got put on the windowsill in a half-hearted attempt to clean up so its position was a happy accident. I wish I could remember where I found it, because I do have some with stories, but alas I think it was just a nice stone I picked up on a beach and probably slipped into a pocket before Mat could make me put it back ;)

  8. it's PERFECTly sublime in it's simplicity!

  9. i like small stones. they make me feel protected. currently, i have a grouping of 4 which have been with me for a few years now.
