
07 September, 2009

Sweater for Foofoo the rabbit

On Saturday I put this up on Twitter
Hazel "accidentally" cut big holes in the knees of her pants, Lucy's sheepskin and some of her hair. Scissors confiscated indefinitely.
What a debacle! Not only did she cut up her lovely stripey merino leggings (as seen in the bag post below), she lied to me about it. Sigh. Not very effectual lying by any means and I know she'll only get better at it (or learn to hide the evidence) but it's depressing none-the-less. Sigh. ANYWAYS, punishments were handed down from above and we move on. That evening she asks if I can make her bunny Foofoo a sweater to keep him warm at night. I say I probably can and she goes to sleep clutching Foofoo and looking particularly sweet and innocent (sigh again). As I was mooching around waiting for the Saturday murder mystery to start (Jonathan Creek, an early one yay!) I pondered the cut up pants and then it occurred to me that they might make a good sweater for Foofoo and I could do it while I watched tv. So I popped Foofoo into one of the legs with the bottom of it at his waist and started cutting. I cut holes for arms and sewed in sleeves. It came out really well!

Sweater for Foofoo
(and yes, Lucy was as annoyed about being used as a prop as she looks)

I've never just winged it like that with clothes, even for toys, and I was surprised how well it went - the sleeves even have cuffs! Foofoo was dressed and replaced on her pillow to be discovered the next morning with exclamations of delight.

Sweater for Foofoo

I feel inordinately proud of Foofoo's sweater and slightly better about Hazel cutting up the pants - they haven't gone completely to waste.


  1. So cute! I love Lucy as the prop ;)

  2. very very cute, and yes your cat does not look happy at all :)

  3. foofoo looks warm in his least lucy stayed put.. 3yr.old grandchild is *always* on the hunt for scissors left carelessly around-it's like she has radar!

  4. LOL! I love how peeved Lucy looks! That's a seriously cute sweater; FooFoo is very lucky :)

  5. Eeek! Foofoo in its new sweater is sooo cute :)
