
28 September, 2009

I'm still alive...

I Ain't Dead Already, originally uploaded by Dr Craig.

...I think. Have been laid low with a cold/low-level 'flu (swine? I don't know to be honest) so over the weekend I was in bed feeling like crap. Not as bad as the two previous times I've had full-on flu but definitely more crap than a regular cold. Still feel pretty awful so it's back to bed for me I think! Thank goodness today is one of Hazel's creche days because otherwise she'd be full of beans and healthy as a horse, stuck inside with me while it pours rain outside. Not a good scenario for either of us! I'll be back when I'm feeling a bit better I suppose :)


  1. Hope your feeling better soon. There have been some really nasty bugs about lately.

  2. Hope you feel better soon. Looks like you had loads of fun making cookies.
