
10 August, 2009


Well we survived the birthday and the birthday party and ensuing sugar rush, but since the in-laws are here I've lost my sewing and computer room (ie spare room) and my proper computer access. I'm sitting in the living room using Mat's mobile connection which is slow and irritating. But oh I'm back on the internet after a couple days, checking my emails and I feel so fulfilled! Alive! In touch! So sad, just really sad, but there it is. I'm obviously addicted. No really, I can stop any time I want to. Anytime. I just don't want to. ;) So when I've got my space back I'll post up some photos and get back to doing stuff. I've got a few little girl presents to make for Suzie's party on Saturday so another couple days of high pressure and too much cake, and then I'm off the hook for several weeks at least.

See you then!

1 comment:

  1. I do so understand! Adictive, that is what it is, blogging! I have been away from the computer for 2 days and it feels like forever. I love to read peoples blogs and it spurs me on creatively too. Nice as it is to have visitors I Hope you get your space back soon.
