
15 August, 2009

More felt crowns, fairy wands and a skirt!

It was Hazel's very good friend Suzie's fourth birthday today so I made up this set for her.

Fairy crown, wand and skirt

She loves dressups and I'd been thinking this might be a good idea, so when she liked Hazel's crown and wand last weekend I knew I was on to a winner! Like Hazel's, the crown pattern is from Koala Brains and the wand from Little Birdie Secrets, the skirt is my own invention having seen a few with petals trapped in a tube before. It went down very well although I have to make the crown a bit smaller and return it at creche on Monday. She was a bit reluctant to let it go but even at four could see the sense in it not slipping over her eyes every 5 seconds!

Fairy crown, wand and skirt

It's fun dwelling in fairy-land, I hate to leave!

1 comment:

  1. Now, that's a very nice birthday present!! All a fairy needs! I'm sure my six year old would still love this!
