
17 June, 2009

Autumn and spring

Autumn and spring, originally uploaded by Ansis68.

It's a funny time of year, autumn leaves and spring bulbs.

In an effort to spend my birthday money I bought 'Sewing Green' by Betz White.

It's been lurking on my wishlist over at Fishpond for awhile now and they sent me a $10 off coupon today which clinched the deal. I'm really looking forward to having a read, it's been getting nothing but good reviews in the bloggosphere!


  1. That book looks lovely. And what a beautiful photo!

  2. I love the scarf on the cover and I love sewing from recycled fabric. I really love anything that has a history and is well worn that's what I use in my collages too (well worn paper with a history). Let me know how you like the book. Maybe I could find it at the library?

  3. Please let us know what you think of this - I'm very tempted to ask for it as one of my Birthday presents, but I've bought a few duff books just based on the cover photo and I don't want to do it again!
