
02 June, 2009

An Auckland winter

Hazel at the window, originally uploaded by Ansis68.

When the southerly came through on Sunday the temperature dropped, the rain lashed the living room windows, and with the heater on in the living room the condensation appeared almost instantly.

Hazel covered the panes with her name, or in this case, Santa Claus. Oh little girl, you have a long wait ahead of you! Poor thing, with a Canadian for a mother she's so full of ideas of snow at winter that she can't quite get her head around the idea that it never snows here and that it's summer when Santa comes. I'm determined to get her down to the snow this winter though, it's her birthright! It's crazy how much I miss snow. Snow and mountains. Of course I'd probably get my fill of snow in a couple weeks, but I can never get enough of mountains.


  1. HI, J!

    This is the first time I've had any time to peruse this blog at all, and it's just WONDERFUL.

    Your bunny for the give-away is darling, and those little chibi bunny kitty whoseawhatsits down below are really precious, too.

    And we won't even talk about the lovely Miss Hazel! Lordy, how she's grown, and look how long that gorgeous hair is!!!

  2. Hey Jacqui,

    I love that photo! You have a good eye.

    Let me tell ya, I know you could get over the snow thing in about 2 days if you come home in winter!

    We are still getting frost warnings at night here- crazy!

  3. Hi Shawna!

    Thanks Renee, it was inadvertent (ie turned out better than I expected) but I'm really pleased with it! The novelty of snow would definitely last for a couple weeks, it's been...9 years since I've seen it O_O

  4. It is a gorgeous picture. You do take very nice photos!!
    You do need to come her for Christmas 2010!!!
