
18 May, 2009

Nani Iro patterns

I just discovered that the Nani Iro line of fabrics at Kokka have a whole bunch of free patterns for their fabrics. I adore her designs and am quite excited about this - unfortunately they're one page, diagram only, and in Japanese. Not insurmountable problems but will definitely present a challenge to most people - even if they can read Japanese. Oh, and if you're using Firefox the images open to a .pdf so you'll end up downloading them even if you just wanted a quick look! I've got quite a few now ;)

ETA: Oooooo and by fabulous co-incidence the Crafty Crow is having a giveaway of $20 vouchers from This and That From Japan who carry Nani Iro fabrics. Although by telling you this I have probably lessened any very slim chances I have of winning it by decreasing my odds :)


  1. How do you find all this cool free stuff??? Thanks for passing it on. Although the Japanese pattern thing I would not attempt - you are brave....

  2. With the number of blogs I read I come across a LOT of free stuff and links, but not so many that get me truly excited :) Yes, the Japanese is daunting, but there are sites with some translations. It's drafting up a pattern from the rather complicated drawings that would stop me I think!
