
07 May, 2009

First stamp

First stamp, originally uploaded by Ansis68.

I finally tried carving a stamp last night. It was much easier than I'd expected, although clearly my technique needs some work - both carving and stamping! I'm going to be a bad artist and blame my materials though, the stamp pad is one of Hazel's and so were the marker pens I tried using and they were all a bit dry (she leaves the tops off the pens) It's quite cute though, I like it. Not entirely sure what to do with it now, but I'm sure I'll find a use for it eventually.


  1. I think this looks like the start of something very cool - can I ask what you carved the stamp out of? I was thinking of making some stamps myself but not sure what a) makes the best stamp and b) is easiest to cut!

  2. OK the stamp looks great! You have motivated me to try!
