
08 December, 2008

fabric print

I fail at crafting - nothing for two days. Two vital, important pre-Christmas days and nothing is accomplished. Well I did actually craft on the computer last night, working on a file to print off onto my insanely expensive printable fabric.

fabric print, originally uploaded by Ansis68.

The bunny is from A Print A Day and a time-limited download she has with the most adorable bunnies. I'm going to make a small stuffy to go in the pocket of a nightie I'm making for Hazel's stocking. I altered the second bunny image to be a back with a fluffy tail instead of the original Janus concept. I've just realised that heads turned sideways have an eye and half a nose on both sides so have put them back in again. The tag is to go on Rebecca's quilt and yes, she's a Rebecca without an 'h'.

So tonight is all about the monkeys, two of them.


  1. it never ceases to amaze me how talented you are when it comes to sewing!

  2. Thanks :) It's a handy skill to have and I figure it'll really come into it's own when Western civilisation collapses. Of course I'll have to convert my sewing machine to treadle...
