
23 October, 2012

The agony and ecstasy of crochet

I have conquered the wallpaper in the kitchen! Unfortunately no rest for the wicked, it's now on to giving the hallway a freshen-up. Sigh. But it's not all endless work on the house and deep (deep) cleaning before it goes on the market, there has been a bit of crafting - mostly crochet as my sewing machine is in being serviced.

I've been working on secret Christmas stuff but I'm going to post intriguing glimpses because I know personally I LOVE it when bloggers get all mysterious and won't show projects and just give hints and write coy little posts. Not. But this isn't a book deal in the offing, this is Christmas, so I hope you understand.

I made this

Crochet cowl

It's in Utiku possum/merino by The Wool Company and it's the kind of yarn you just want to bury your face in and rub it around only that looks really creepy except in the privacy of your own home.

So that was good but this wasn't


Something else had to be ripped out before the mistake went any further. Amazingly I got it crocheted back up again before the cat noticed it.

I'm missing my Instagram widget in the sidebar, where these images would normally have shown up, but it was causing some people to get a rather unpleasant notification that my site contained malware. Hopefully that's all cleared up now!


  1. I love the inappropriate face burying reference! go you - at least luckily crochet works up quite quickly!

  2. Close up it rather looks like it has cat hair mixed up in it... but I was prepared to continue reading... and low and behold, a possum/marino mix. Had a deep and meaningful chuckle to myself!!

  3. Yeah for secret posts LOL
    I have the same issue at the moment - lots happening but not a lot I can post about

  4. I'm noticing the references to putting the house on the market... where are you all headed?

  5. Just a larger house in the same neighbourhood - when we find one! Going to an auction on Saturday but think it might go out of our price range. Cross your fingers for us!
